Reseller Portal SOAP Web Service - External License Management

The following functions are provided to allow the reseller to create/edit/get postcode software customer account details

Get Price of External Use Packs

GetPriceForWebFullAddressCreditPacks(Parameters$, PricesXML$,  ByVal ResellerAccountID&, ByVal ResellerAccountPassword$, ByRef ErrorDescription$) As Boolean
Function GetPriceForWebThoroughfareAddressCreditPacks(Parameters$, PricesXML$, ByVal ResellerAccountID&, ByVal ResellerAccountPassword$, ByRef ErrorDescription$) As Boolean
Function GetPriceForWebPostZonAddressCreditPacks(Parameters$, PricesXML$, ByVal ResellerAccountID&, ByVal ResellerAccountPassword$, ByRef ErrorDescription$) As Boolean


Parameter name Description
Parameters Not used. For future use
ResellerAccountID This is the account ID of your reseller account
ResellerAccountPassword Your reseller account password


Returns True if successful, else error in ErrorDescription$

Name Description
PricesXML contains XML listing our prices
ErrorDescription Any error that may have occurred

        Example code   
             Dim CustomerPortal As New CustomerPortal.WebServiceCustomerPortal
        Dim ErrorDescription$ = ""
Dim Parameters$ = "" 'For future use
Dim PricesXML$ = "" 'Prices are returned in this , and can be displayed or used for own referance
'When purchasing, the top top is ID=1, second line is ID=2, etc... If Not CustomerPortal.GetPriceForWebFullAddressCreditPacks(Parameters, _
            PricesXML$, ResellerAccountID, ResellerAccountPassword, _
   MsgBox("Error returned:" & ErrorDescription)
   Me.InpResult.Text = PricesXML$ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
    "When purchasing, set LineNoFromPrices=1 for top line, second line is
    LineNoFromPrices=2, etc..." & vbCrLf & "Prices are +VAT, less Reseller
    commission is applied at point of sale"
End If

Warning   Please note:

  • The credit level is returned when searching for an address. Therefore this can be monitored to detect low levels, and thus topped up.
  • Any price changes will be reflected in this call, thus will always give correct prices


Get price for Full Address Web Credits



£40 per 800

£95 per 2,500

£175 per 5,000

£380 per 12,500

£690 per 25,000

£1,900 per 100,000

When making a call to purchase a pack, simply supply the line number for the appropriate pack. Thus to purchase 5,000 credits, the line number would be 3. See functions below to purchase web packs.

Purchase Web Credit Packs

Function PurchaseWebFullCreditPacks(ByVal Parameters$,  ByVal LineNoFromPrices&, ByRef SummaryDescription$, ByRef PaymentNeededToUs  As Double, ByVal CustomerAccountID&, ByVal ResellerAccountID&, ByVal  ResellerAccountPassword$, ByRef ErrorDescription$) As Boolean
Function PurchaseWebThoroughfareCreditPacks(ByVal Parameters$, ByVal LineNoFromPrices&, ByRef SummaryDescription$, ByRef PaymentNeededToUs As Double, ByVal CustomerAccountID&, ByVal ResellerAccountID&, ByVal ResellerAccountPassword$, ByRef ErrorDescription$) As Boolean
Function PurchaseWebPostZonCreditPacks(ByVal Parameters$, ByVal LineNoFromPrices&, ByRef SummaryDescription$, ByRef PaymentNeededToUs As Double, ByVal CustomerAccountID&, ByVal ResellerAccountID&, ByVal ResellerAccountPassword$, ByRef ErrorDescription$) As Boolean       


Parameter name Description
Parameters Not used. For future use
LineNoFromPrices See the function to get prices for web packs in the previous section for explanation
CustomerAccountID Customer to buy License for
ResellerAccountID This is the account ID of your reseller account
ResellerAccountPassword Your reseller account password


Returns True if successful, else error in ErrorDescription$

Name Description
PaymentNeededToUs Price to the reseller, including VAT. This is the figure that should be paid to us
SummaryDescription Text Description of purchase, see below
ErrorDescription Any error that may have occurred

        Example code   
             Dim CustomerPortal As New CustomerPortal.WebServiceCustomerPortal
        Dim ErrorDescription$ = ""
Dim SummaryDescription$ = ""
Dim Parameters$ = "" 'For future use
Dim PriceToReseller As Double = 0 Dim LineNoFromPrices& = Me.InpLineNoFromPrices.Text If Not CustomerPortal.PurchaseWebFullCreditPacks(Parameters, LineNoFromPrices&, _
        SummaryDescription$, PriceToReseller, CustomerAccountID&, _
        ResellerAccountID, ResellerAccountPassword, ErrorDescription)
   MsgBox("Error returned:" & ErrorDescription)
   Me.InpResult.Text = "Payment to us:" & Format(PriceToReseller, "#,##0.00") &
        vbCrLf & SummaryDescription$
End If

Warning   Please note:

  • We give immediate access to this license, and therefore expect immediate automatic payment from your system. This is a condition of use of this service. An Invoice and Remittance advice is sent to e-mail address on reseller account
  • Please put the customers account number in any bank transactions for us to reconcile easily
  • For testing post purchases against TEST accounts only.
  • Use DoCommand function to clear any test transactions after testing
  • The credit level is returned when searching for an address. Therefore this can be monitored to detect low levels, and thus topped up.