FAQ:Types of Postcode Software License

Internal Company Use Postcode Software License

This type of postcode software license must be purchased if Desktop postcode Lookup Software is used by an employee of a company. Each legal company must be registered as a separate company within our registration system.

Each user is an individual workstation, terminal, handheld device or similar device, and must be identified by a unique user name within the system when using the programming interfaces.

This type of Postcode Software License is available in our Desktop Software and COM object, .NET Assembly, HTTP/XML Web Service, JSON Web Service, SOAP Web Service for API's for programmers. More about our Address Finder API.  

External Use Postcode Software License

This type of postcode software license must only be used on a web site for members of the public for the purpose of capturing a customer address for providing a service or goods. It must not be used by a representative of your company.

This type of Postcode Software License is available using our website postcode address finder software offerings.